Friday, June 29, 2012

Pondering a Thought

Today on Maria Shriver’s Facebook page she posted a quote by Juju Chang (and I love Juju Chang). “What does your best day look like? Live a piece of it every day.” What an inspiration. It makes me think about how my world is changing now with Jeff’s diagnosis and having him home all day, every day. Honestly, I love having him home. I don’t have to grocery shop and do errands by myself. He’s a great companion.

Juju Chang’s quote has me thinking about showing Jesus in my everyday life, in the little things. Making sure I don’t get exasperated answering the same questions several times a day, doing things differently than  I had done them before (because I’m not by myself any longer), taking a slower pace with things and enjoying the little things that life brings. I am also reminding myself to stay thankful in all situations, even the hard and difficult ones.

Since my world is changing, there isn’t as much time to spend in the Studio. Lately, I have been lucky to snatch a couple of hours a week to work on a baby quilt for church. I haven’t had the opportunity to touch any of my art quilts that are in progress or dye fabric. But I am content working on the baby quilts right now. When I get the one on my table complete I will hopefully have time to get out one of my art quilts and finish one. And being a women of faith, it will all happen in God's time. For if I try to create the time, something will happen and end in frustration. And what would that solve? How would that feed my creative spirit?

So, here are my questions this week for you. What is the best part of your day and how are you going to spend it? And, what is your favorite part of your art and why?

Let me hear from you, some days you are my avenue to the world outside. Keep me entertained.

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