Saturday, January 12, 2013

Studio Pictures Finally!

With all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays and completing the Studio, I forgot to post pictures. Please, please, please pardon my tardiness. I just love the way the Studio looks. The cheery yellow is perfect and gives an energy that was needed. My design wall is insulation board covered with black diaper flannel. My husband framed the insulation panels with 1x2's on the back and they hang on another piece of wood so the panels can be moved, if needed.
The floor is 5/8" foam flooring that looks like hardwood. Oh my goodness, it makes such a difference to stand on and it cleans up with a dust mop. If I ever damage one of the tiles too seriously I can pop it up and replace it with one of the ones that was left over.

Entry into the Studio
My old grey flat files got a makeover
with white spray paint.

Standing at the work wall looking back into the room.
Future quilt patterns lay on the table, waiting to be filed.

The cupboards hold my library and
additional fabrics stored in bins.
I hadn't unpacked all of my library and
treasures when I took this picture.
Fabric and thread storage. I know, not enough fabric.
But I'm not showing you the fabric stored in a closet.

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